Friday, January 19, 2024



Liquified Insides; a name you know and love. One of Adam Rotella's many amazing projects, this EP sees him taking a... different approach to it. A tribute to Anal Cunt's Unplugged EP, this EP can best be described as acoustic gorenoise. Featuring Alice of Encephalopathy In The Gi Tract doing the drum programs, and you have one hell of a unique and beastly release. Co-released with Running Through The Blood Productions, and limited to 25 copies. Listen to it here.


After much anticipation and talk, the Endocarditis demo tapes are finally out!! A goregrind project from France featuring Adri of Bioculus Phlyctaenulosial Scrofulosa and Swallow Mucus Diarrhea, these putrid tunes sound like if Cystoblastosis and Dead Infection had a fucked-up deformed baby. 10 tracks of amazing drum and bass goregrind done properly. Great stuff!! For true gore maniaxx only. Limited to 30 copies. Listen to it here.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024



Two names of NYGN (New York Gorenoise) infamy, ENCEPHALOPATHY IN THE GI TRACT and ANAL BIRTH. Alice and Adam R. finally team up for a split on this sickening CDr. 9 traxxx of classic ExIxTxGxTx material, paired with a live set for the Anal Birth side, the first ever Anal Birth recording with real drums courtesy of Justin from Charcuterie, you can't go wrong. Limited to 30 copies. Listen to it here.