Thursday, August 25, 2022



Tape re-issue of a long sold out, long sought after, absolutely fuckin' legendary seminal gorenoise album! 9 tracks of pure lo-fi noise, straight from the septic tank of the disgustingly brilliant Bobby Maggard!! THERE IS NO MUSICIANSHIP TO BE PRESENTED ON THIS TAPE. LISTENING TO THIS CASSETTE MAY CAUSE: NAUSEA, VOMITING, DIARRHEA, BLEEDING FROM MULTIPLE ORIFICES, AND RANDOM STOMA FORMATIONS. Co-released with Cryptosporidium Records! Limited to 25 hand-numbered copies.

Also, just wanted to give a huge thanx to Skye from Cryptosporidium Recs. for helping me put this out, and to Keeta of Necropapiloscopia for providing high-quality tape rips of the previously long lost UxTxIxFxSxPxCx discography. This release wouldn't have been possible without you guys!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2022



After some minor setbacks, this tape is finally out! The Altar EP by Rise Of The Weird Little Creatures From The Small Creek Behind My House is an amazing noise/sludge EP from an otherwise noise/grindcore artist. Expect high gain riffs that ring out in a chamber of gloom. Includes The Syo Ain't Over Yet on the B side as a single. Limited to 26 hand-numbered copies. Listen to it here.