Thursday, August 25, 2022



Tape re-issue of a long sold out, long sought after, absolutely fuckin' legendary seminal gorenoise album! 9 tracks of pure lo-fi noise, straight from the septic tank of the disgustingly brilliant Bobby Maggard!! THERE IS NO MUSICIANSHIP TO BE PRESENTED ON THIS TAPE. LISTENING TO THIS CASSETTE MAY CAUSE: NAUSEA, VOMITING, DIARRHEA, BLEEDING FROM MULTIPLE ORIFICES, AND RANDOM STOMA FORMATIONS. Co-released with Cryptosporidium Records! Limited to 25 hand-numbered copies.

Also, just wanted to give a huge thanx to Skye from Cryptosporidium Recs. for helping me put this out, and to Keeta of Necropapiloscopia for providing high-quality tape rips of the previously long lost UxTxIxFxSxPxCx discography. This release wouldn't have been possible without you guys!!

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