Sunday, May 7, 2023



From the hell hole of sunny California, USA comes a new sickening goregrind outfit... ELEPHANTIASIS. Featuring members from Putrescine Inhalation and Casket Mush, this band's sound has plenty to love. Raw guitar and blasting drums leave the holes that once were your ears decimated and your roommates and neighbors begging for you to turn it off. NOT FOR FOOLS BLIND TO THE REALITY OF DEATH. Limited to 25 copies. Listen to it here.


Hailing from an operating theatre in Brooklyn, NY there is a malignant tumor growing... LIPOMA. Benign and fatty since 2021, this shiny new one-man pathologic goregrind has ripped through the underground and left nothing but shreds! Inspired by bands like Blasted Pancreas, as well as incorporating classical melodies into blasting grind-gore, Max has created one hell of a discography in the past 2 years! This 5" features the Lipoma tracks from their split with Fluids and Trocar as a lathe-cut vinyl single. Limited to 50 copies, co-released with Running Through The Blood Productions. Listen to it here.




Adam Rotella has made disgusting noises for many legendary projects in his life. Anal Birth, Liquefied Insides, Wormclogged Blisters, the list unfortunately goes on and on and on. One of such projects was Grotesque Deformities. I could use many words to describe this project, perverted, gross, offensive, unintelligent, but I won't waste my time, get this CDr and find out for yourself!! A COMPLETE TERATOLOGIC COLLECTION OF ASSEMBLED CONCENTRATED CARCINOGENOUS GROTESQUE DEFORMITIES is a complete compilation of all Grotesque Deformities "studio" recordings. Pure-analog filth, there are NO digital effects, amp simulators, or computer application drum machines to be found here! Own the entire discography on high-quality CDr today! Limited to 30 copies. Listen to it here.



East coast gorenoise minds ENCEPHALOPATHY IN THE GI TRACT and ACRID INFESTATION team up for this disturbing split tape. Exclusively appealing to those who hate humankind, this tape is for lovers of cannibalism, carbonization, and car accidents. No speakers are safe from sudden and violent combustion when playing this tape, be warned!! If you are afraid of bass-heavy gorenoise or one-man goregrind projects, do NOT purchase this cassette! Limited to 25 copies. Listen to it here.



If you failed music class in school, this release is for you! A compilation of some of the rarest K9 Hemorrhoids material, featuring their splits with Scream Bladder, Miastenia Gravis, Crack Addict Babies, and more! Graverobbed from the deepest depths of Zen's porn hard drive (now in FBI custody) these noises will compel you to turn your face into a K9 Hemorrhoids cover of your own! Destroy your life for gore-noisecore!! Limited to 25 copies. Listen to Side A here.
R.I.P. K9 Hemorrhoids 2018-2022



From the wasteland of upstate NY emerges a gang of murderous rabid goregrinders, BLOAT! This is their harshest recording by far, NOT for the faint of heart, pregnant, or any individual with phonophobia. Help aid the destruction of the music industry by purchasing this tape! Limited to 25 hand-numbered copies. Listen to it here.



From the same perverts that bought you Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Hemorrhagic Pyrexia Virus, Metrorrhagia, and Aquatic Death Investigations comes DIARRHETIC PROLAPSE EXPULSION!! A live recording from the deepest basement in Texas sure to inspire you to get into coprophagia! Limited to 30 hand-numbered copies, co-released with Meatgrinder Productions. Listen to it here.