Sunday, May 7, 2023



Adam Rotella has made disgusting noises for many legendary projects in his life. Anal Birth, Liquefied Insides, Wormclogged Blisters, the list unfortunately goes on and on and on. One of such projects was Grotesque Deformities. I could use many words to describe this project, perverted, gross, offensive, unintelligent, but I won't waste my time, get this CDr and find out for yourself!! A COMPLETE TERATOLOGIC COLLECTION OF ASSEMBLED CONCENTRATED CARCINOGENOUS GROTESQUE DEFORMITIES is a complete compilation of all Grotesque Deformities "studio" recordings. Pure-analog filth, there are NO digital effects, amp simulators, or computer application drum machines to be found here! Own the entire discography on high-quality CDr today! Limited to 30 copies. Listen to it here.

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