Monday, April 29, 2024


Alright, some notes about this post. A while back I was going to start a Vascula Vomit newsletter/zine, I started amassing interviews, ads, reviews, etc. but... it never came into fruition, haha. So, I figured instead of letting this interview go to waste, I'd start a webzine of sorts and every now and again post interviews with cool artists and reviews of cool releases. Not sure how often I'll post such things if ever but, whatever, just enjoy the damn interview if ya' care. Human race fuck off, and gouge out some toddler eyes after you read this!

P.S. I conducted this dissection via phone call to ensure the answers would be as natural, on the spot, and honest as possible, which is why there are so many "uh"s and "uhm"s in Adam's responses. Also, keep your grossly jaundiced cataracts peeled for the Liquified Insides / Encephalopathy In The Gi Tract split 4" lathe cut coming this summer via VVR and RTTBP!

February 17, 2023

VV: Hello! I hope you’re doing good this fine evening. So first off an important question for the founder of gorenoise: what is the definition of gorenoise to you? What was the sound you were going for when you first started making it that set you apart from the other noisecore at the time?

Adam: For me the definition of gorenoise is basically just goregrind meets noisecore, and when I had started doing it I had never heard that before. And uh, what set me apart was that I never heard anybody else doing anything like that. When I first started doing it people that I showed it to had never heard it before either.

VV: You originally made Anal Birth as a side project to your main project at the time, Regurgitated Corpse. Would you consider Regurgitated Corpse gorenoise, and if so then was Regurgitated Corpse the first gorenoise project and not Anal Birth?

Adam: No, Regurgitated Corpse wasn’t gorenoise, it was basically, it was like Mortician meets Anal Cunt with like Afterbirth influenced vocals pretty much.

VV: You’ve been in the gorenoise scene since the very start, and have seen all the different eras. What in your opinion was the best era for gorenoise? Do you feel this new generation of gorenoise artists hold up the original intention of gorenoise as a genre?

Adam: Yeah well, the original era of gorenoise was, like, three projects so there wasn’t really anything to say about that. but, it’s hard to say. for me there is no better era, it’s pretty much, I don’t wanna say the same but it’s been there’s just been more and more projects coming out, uh, I’d say the way things are going now is probably the best it’s gonna be I’m guessing because I was kinda out of the loop for a while, but around when I discovered Myspace around 2007/2008, that’s when I noticed like just an explosion of gorenoise projects and before that I didn’t know about any besides me and and maybe two or three other people.

VV: I heard that you sent Will Rahmer of Mortician fame an Anal Birth tape way back in the day. Is this story true, and if so can you tell us a little more about it? How did he respond?

Adam: Oh yeah it’s definitely true and he loved it, he said it was great stuff. I had even sent him Regurgitated Corpse stuff when I first met him. This was when House By The Cemetery first came out and we did kind of a partial trade where I gave him a Regurgitated Corpse tape and he gave me a House By The Cemetery CD for half price. But yeah he’s always had good things to say about my projects, he’s always liked whatever I played for him.

VV: You recently played your first Anal Birth live show at Barely Breathing fest last year. How did it go? Did you like playing live, and did the crowd respond how you expected them to? Is there a possibility of live shows for Anal Birth in the future, or any of your projects?

Adam: I played Barely Breathing I mean I was expecting a response but not as good a one as I got. like the place just went completely nuts, and I was just blown away by it. And yeah there’s gonna definitely be more shows. We actually, in November we played in Nashville at a harsh noise festival, and uh we’re probably gonna do at least three more shows in the summer but nothing is solid yet, but it’s probably gonna be in June. But uh I’ll have more info as more info comes to me.

VV: Where did you get the original picture from for the now infamous Infantbutchering tape? 

Adam: There was this dude who went by the name Papa Steve, he did a zine called Kill Your Dog And Get A Guitar, and one of them came with a poster with a bunch of aborted babies on it, I just cut one of them out, and that’s basically it. It was a full color poster with all these aborted fetuses on it, and I just cut out the one I liked the best and I just threw it on the front cover.

VV: You don’t release things under the Anal Birth name much, is there any hope for new releases in 2023, aside from the split tape you did with K9 Hemorrhoids and Jason “Evil” Covelli?

Adam: Yeah, there’s gonna be a split with A german project called Prosthetic Face, I don’t know when it’s coming out but… yeah there’s gonna be more recordings. I mean Anal Birth is not back in the sense that we’re back permanently, uh, I would say we’re just doing this temporarily to have fun, play shows, and do a couple of uh more recordings, before we call it a day for good. 

VV: Well that’s it! Thank you so much for doing this interview! The last word is yours.

Adam: Uhm, I just wanna say thank you to you Alice for this interview, I appreciate it, I appreciate the support, and I appreciate all the maniacs who have supported this shit over the years. And uh, that’s about it. Thank you, again.

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