Thursday, June 6, 2024



Straight from the county medical examiner's office comes a new deadly nauseating split tape! the minds of two perverted killing teams have cooperated to bring you this sickening piece of plastic, the Cytomegalovirus / Perforated Bowel Syndrome With Oozing Faeces split. Cytomegalovirus is a newer project, a collaboration between Trench of Accidental Suffocation and Cat of Hymenolepiasis and Arcanobacterium Haemolyticum, some excellent harsh gorenoise from masters of the genre with even some cybergrind elements in some sections. PBSWOF is a Bobby Maggard project, so it should need no introduction. The audio equivalent of the scum that rises to the top of a tank of sewage, this is some real bass-y grossness. Limited to 30 copies. Listen to it here.

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